Weed Control Calg​ary

dandy leion weed

Calgary Weed Control

Weed plants are found all around the world. Nearly, 250,000 species of plants have been recorded throughout the world. Out of 250000 species of plants 8000 species of plants can be considered a weed. Actually weeds are plants but in the wrong location.Weeds are classified in three categories such as annual, biennial and perennial. Annual weeds grow from seeds that are dispersed by a parent plant in each spring season. Biennial weeds grow marginally in the first year, then bear flower and produce fruit and then die in the second year. Perennial weeds lay dormant in winter and return in spring such as dandelions. In Alberta, following two types of weed are prevalent:
Prohibited Noxious Weeds, which must be destroyed
Noxious Weeds, which must be controlled (e.g. picked and destroyed, sprayed with pesticide, mowed to prevent seed production etc.) 

Impact Of Weeds On Your Lawn

Weeds compete with grasses in your lawn for air, water and nutrients and this result in the weakening of grass plants. And the grass plants become more prone to insect infestation, diseases and drought.Sample text. Click to select the Text Element.

Negative Affect Of Weed On Humans & Pets

The presence of weeds in your lawn can impact the health of human and pets in the following way:
Asthma and Respiratory Problems (Ragweed, Pigweed, Ryegrass and Plantain)
Skin Irritation (Poison Oak, Buttercup, Poison Hemlock, Monkshood)
Stomach Upset (Cannabis)

We provide weed control services fast and in timely manner in Calgary and area. Pestica is the best, trusted and top rated Pest Control Company. We offer weed control not only in your lawn but also in non lawn areas such as parking area, sidewalk, patios and back lane. 

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Calgary Weed Removal
Weed Control Calgary
Pestica Green
Pest Control Calgary
Calgary Weed Removal

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Our Way of Weed Treatment

  • Technician will start by checking the exterior of your home and indentify the weeds and their infestation level in your lawn. 
  • Technician will use the weedicide spray depending upon the level of infestation and types of weeds’ species.
    All treatments will be made with your safety in mind to ensure your health 
  • If infestation is high and deep then we recommend a second treatment after one month of the first treatment 
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All Our technicians
are certified
and having more than
30 years’ experience
in pest management field

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Pestica Green Pest Control Has  
A Privilege Of  Membership With ​Leading
 Pest Control Industry 
Professional Organizations

national pest management association
canadian pest management association
pest management association of alberta
project management professional
alberta institute of agrologist
better business bureau

Quality, Not Quantity, Google Reviews 100% 
From Our Customers 

We are a top rated, 100% locally owned, operated & loved Canadian Pest Management Company in Alberta. Please review us on Google because your opinion matters for us.

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Frequently Asked Questions 
About Weed Removal in Calgary

What is weed control act in Alberta?
The Weed Control Act in Alberta aims to regulate noxious weeds, prohibited noxious weeds, and weed seeds through various control measures, such as inspection and enforcement, together with provisions for recovery of expenses in cases of non-compliance. Additionally, it mandates the licensing of seed cleaning plants and mechanisms.What are common weeds in Calgary and area?
The extremely prolific dandelion & chickweed, clover, thistle, blueweed, toadflax and also common tansy are the common weeds found in Calgary and area. 

When is the best time to control weed?
The best time to control weeds is from May to September in  Calgary and area.How can we prevent weeds from growing?
By adopting the following tips, we can prevent weeds from growing:
Feed your lawn with fertilizer after every 6 to 8 weeks during the growing season.
Raising your mower height and perform mowing at a taller height helps the grass to grow tall and thick and the weed seeds would not be able to sprout and grow.
Practice water deeply and infrequently helps the grass in your lawn to grow deeper roots and it will better compete with weeds plants. 

How much do you charge to control weeds in lawns?
We charge $75 to control weeds in your lawns but it all depends the level of infestation and the area of structure to be treated.

What is the best way to kill Dandelions?
The best way to kill dandelions is to spray with a broadleaf weedicide that will kill the entire platns.

What are two types of weeds in Alberta?
In Alberta, following two types of weed are prevalent:Prohibited Noxious Weeds, which must be destroyed
Noxious Weeds, which must be controlled (e.g. picked and destroyed, sprayed with pesticide, mowed to prevent seed production etc.)

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