Silverfish & Firebrates
 Control Calg​ary

silverfish firebrate

Calgary Silverfish & Firebrates Removal 

Silverfish: They look like Carrot shaped with three long tail-like appendages at the end of the abdomen. They have two long antennae and fairly short legs .These insects cause damage by feeding on materials high in starch or sugar content such as books and papers, wallpaper, glues and sizing, starched cloth and other fabrics. Sometimes they attack dried foods or dead insects. They develop without metamorphosis. Eggs are laid loose in crevices under objects or in folds of the food material. These eggs are hatched  within 45-50 days. They live in very humid conditions and temperatures of 20-28C.

Firebrates: They are generally like silverfish, but are darker in color, with a mottled appearance. They require very humid conditions and temperatures over 30C. They found near heat sources and in bakeries and kitchens. They develop without metamorphosis. They prefer darkness and will quickly dart to cover when exposed to light like silverfish.

Problem Due to Silverfish & Firebrates

Although silverfish and firebrats are harmless to humans, but are considered pests because of their appearance. They can also stain fabric, paper, books, or wallpaper. They are capable of damaging to paper, books and wallpaper if there infestation is high and has been present over a long period of time. Pestica provides silverfish & firebrates control treatmentfast and in timely manner in Calgary and area. We are the best, trusted and top rated pest control provider in Calgary nearby areas and we offer complete and ever lasting pest solutions with guarantee. 

For effective and affordable bristletails bugs removal, contact your pest control service technician at  Pestica Calgary for free consultation and right advice.

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Silverfish & Firebrats Removal Calgary 

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How We Control Bristletails Insects

  • Technician will start by checking the exterior and interior of your home for obvious entry ways and also infestation level 
  • Technician may set up and implement a program using glue boards and spray treatment where deemed necessary.
  • Technician may use insecticidal spray treatment as a spot or perimeter spray in accordance with approved instructions on the product label. Areas the technician will focus on include basement, ground cover vegetation, areas where the lawn meets the woods, ornamental plantings, etc
  • All treatments will be made with your safety in mind to ensure your health 
  • If infestation is high and deep then we recommend a second treatment after one month of the first treatment  
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Bristletails Bugs Control Calgary
Bristletails Bugs Prevention Service
Pestica Green
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Silverfish & Firebrats Removal Calgary

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Frequently Asked Questions 
About Bristletails Pests Control in Calgary

What do they eat?
They are scavengers and feed on crumbs, dead insects, starch, glue, wallpaper paste, and paper products.

Where do they live? 
Silverfish (Lepisma saccharina) and Firebrats (Thermobia demestica) are some of the most primitive insects still in existence today. They are often found in attics, basements, bathrooms, wall voids, subfloor areas, and cracks or crevices. They normally hitchhike into the home on food, furniture, old books, papers, and old starched clothing.

What is the other name of these insects?
The other name of these insects is “Bristletails”.

Do silverfish and firebrats bite?
Although they have chewing mouthparts, silverfish and firebrats are harmless to humans and pets, and do not bite. They are used to scrape surfaces, or bite off small particles. When disturbed or exposed to light, they quickly dart to cover and try to hide in cracks & crevices.

How can we get rid of these insects easily?
Getting rid of these insects is very easy. A very good control can be achieved through cleaning, sanitation, controlling humidity and preventative maintenance. Insecticides can be used if the infestation is very high. 

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